welcome to my webpage!
hopefully this will fill up with cool stuff in time...
latest release: luvely - memories (2022-05-27)
my links
cool pages you should check out
all my life I have been involved with music. I learned piano in primary school before switching to my main instrument, drums, in high school. I've also dabbled in guitar, saxaphone and various percussion instruments.
I have 10+ years of experience writing / producing electronic music which you can find here.
I took this hobby further by studying sound engineering at university. feel free to contact me if you want your album mixed / mastered. if you're from melbourne and need help in tv / film / recording in the studio I am also available.
I listen to tons of music and have quite broad tastes. I can find enjoyment in almost all genres.
some of my favourites include:
- screamo
- metalcore
- dreampunk
- post rock
- art pop
- kpop
you can find a list of all the music I've heard and my ratings for each release on my rym page.
software I use
- arch linux (operating system)
- brave (web browser)
- calcurse (calendar / to-do list)
- dmenu (versatile menu)
- dwm (window manager)
- dwmblocks (status bar)
- fcitx5 (input method controller)
- groff (document formatting)
- lf (file explorer)
- maim (screenshotting)
- mpc + ncmpcpp (music controller)
- mpd (music player)
- mpv (video player)
- neomutt (email client)
- neovim (text editor)
- newsboat (rss feed reader)
- nicotine+ (music downloader)
- qbittorrent (torrent client)
- sc-im (spreadsheet editor)
- sdcv (dictionary)
- st (terminal)
- sxiv (image viewer)
- ueberzug (terminal image generator)
- yt-dlp (video downloader)
- ytfzf (youtube searching)
- zathura (pdf viewer)
a full list can be found here
hardware I use
- acer predator (monitor)
- behringer umc404hd (audio interface)
- beyer dynamic dt770 (headphones)
- ducky one side-print tkl (keyboard)
- intel i7 6700k (cpu)
- kali lp6 (studio monitors)
- nvidia gtx 1070 (gpu)
- steelseries 100 (mouse)
I love lifting weights.
in future I will share my thoughts on health and fitness here.
I love watching arthouse / classic cinema.
in future I will share my thoughts on cinema here.
check out my film list
I enjoy reading but regretably don't do it as often as I should.
in future I will share my thoughts on literature here.
check out my book list